Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I'm starting a gang...

Via Hima...an actual craigslist post!

"I'm making a gang. It's going to be called the "Regulators." It's a popular name but I don't know of any with that name in my area so I'm going to use it. You must live in downtown DC. You must be at least 5'8. You can be smaller but you have to prove yourself to join. You don't have to get beat up to get initiated into the gank. You should have to be down for the cause. If you're not loyal though, I will cock glock and lay you out. That's real talk. If you sell grass, you can keep the profit. But if you get locked up, that's on you. We wear black baggy jeans. The left side of your pants needs to be cocked up to your knees. You need to be wearing white knee high socks (on the left side at least). The only colors you wear are black, white and blue. If you're a writer (can do graffiti) then we can use you. We're going to mark it up from the 30s to east 14th. Once we get more members we'll expand. Our presence has to be felt. The only rules are: 1) You must be loyal and do what I say 2) Hate on the police or at least defy them. If you're down for this, email me and I'll give you more specific details. I won't deny it, I'm a straight rider, but we don't thug on innocent people. We don't have beef with anyone until they give us beef. this is in or around DC"

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