Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Pork Chop, Lamb Chop...Karate Chop

How to Karate Chop:

1. Place the wood (or brick) on two stable chopping blocks, with the wood grain running the same direction as the way your hand is facing to chop. Chopping with the grain makes the wood easier to break.

2. Get into stance. This involves either standing up, with legs shoulder-width apart or kneeling with your knees vertical from your shoulders, two feet from the chopping blocks.

3. Prepare for the strike by staying calm. Since the key to successful striking is the mind, you want to stay as calm as possible before you strike.
* Imagine your hand going through the wood or brick. If you can't see it happening, chances are
it won't happen.

4. Put your thumb next to your pointer finger.

5. Bend your fingers slightly to the left (if you are right handed) or right if you are left handed.

6. Lift your arm high up into the air, ready to slam down and strike.

7. Shoot your hand down, thrusting farther until you break the block. Immediately remove your hand from the chopping blocks to avoid injury.

8. If you don't chop it, check in on how you feel. If you feel very little pain, try to improve your speed. A little extra strength is also helpful for successful Karate Chopping.

9. If you feel great pain, stop for the day. If any serious damages to your body have occurred, see a doctor immediately.

10. Practice, Practice, Practice. The more you practice, the better your accuracy and ability to hit.

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1 comment:

Megan Marion said...

Steve, I don't understand this..