Friday, October 31, 2008

He is supposed to be guiding the cock...

Via Jon - Directly from Gawker


In November of 2006, Nicklaus Lovelady wrote a shocking column about Barack Obama for the Henry Daily Harold in Henry County, Georgia. The column was a first-hand account of the despicable behavior of Senator Barack Obama during an appearance at the Southern Illinois University Edwardville. Lovelady, covering the event for a local paper, apparently had his eye on "a pretty young thing" interning with a rival paper. But when he tried to ask Senator Obama a question, Obama humiliated him in front of everyone and ruined Lovelady's chances of going home with the pretty intern.

After about five questions from different television and newspaper reporters, I stood up to ask mine.

"Wait a minute son, this is for professional media only," Obama said to me.

"What do you mean? I work for the local paper," I said with a crackling nervous voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were a college student. You have such a baby face," he said with an unremorseful grin.

At that point everyone in the room turned to look at me and laugh. The 800 people in the lobby laughed as my face was projected on the big screen.

Remembered that girl who I was trying to get with, well she was sitting next to me and guess what she was doing?

Everyone was laughing except me.

Lovelady used his column to demand an apology from the presumptuous would-be president. And then, the day the column ran, this happened:

(Click for audio)

That's right, Obama called Lovelady "to publicly apologize for messing up your game." Which is awesome.


I Smell Like Money Note --- Reason # 2,709,384 to Vote for Obama?

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