Monday, August 31, 2009

Leak Week - Forever (UPDATED)

Tonight I went to see my boy Tor Hammer move to 8-0 at BB Kings but like the nerd I am - I checked my twitter and saw that the boy YN leaked "Forever".

For those of you who don't sniff the blog like I do - "Forever" is a song recorded by "Young Money" - rather Drake featuring Wayne and Nut Da Kid. Drake mumbles over part of it but bottom line is it is fire.

Well, it was re-recorded with Kanye West and EMINEM! And the song was supposed to be released on Friday but somehow was released 2 days early!

If you aren't a music blog geek - you'll have to take my word for it but this is like having a second Christmas.

To quote YN:
"Um, after one listen. Drake & Em > Yeezy & Weezy. White Power FTW!"
So here it is.

Click to listen/download:

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